At last the white snow is melting and we can say with some confidence that we have entered early Spring in Ironwood. The waterfalls on the Black River are roaring away, the Montreal river is acting like one, rather than just being a summer meandering stream, and out at Little Girls Point, the final beach ice chunks from Lake Superior are disappearing. For the locals, April-May can be vacation time, since the other name for Spring hereabouts is “mud-land.” Those who can, head south to get acclimatized a bit as to what “sun” is–ya gotta wait until late May before you can really trust that “sun” to start being out here all the time! At the Ironwood Chamber, May is a time for getting the brochure racks brought up to date, working on Summer event planning, mailing out area guides to the requests that come in from near and far (mailed to San Diego, CA today!), and beginning to focus on this year’s recasting of the Ironwood Destination Guide towards its December 2022 printing date. It might be quiet now outside, and kinda brown all over, but the birds are back, early plants are poking up green here and there, and the overall earth impression is that “we made it!”, and now we are really ready for Summer!