It appears that the 8 months of snow has finally come to an end. The little Depot garden that Helen Slining cares for has GREEN PLANTS emerging. And today, Thursday, May 11–there are people out walking and running the Iron Belle Trail next to my Depot office. Symbolic of Yooper life in the North: people up here run fast from June 1 to October 1 because that is the only time it is warm, green, and full of daylight. Truly, UP here, it is not easy being green! But during those 4 months of greatness, it is a landscape of great beauty — full of enjoyment opportunities! Looks like we have made it through another (rather long) winter! OH–if you are a regular visitor to this site, please check out the new home page changes–we are looking to make this site easier to navigate as well as more helpful to “first finders”.