The Gogebic-Ontonagon CAA is a private, non-profit 501 (c) (3) Corporation led by a Board of 12 local residents representing the public, private & consumer sectors. Officers are Chairperson Thomas F Gerovac, Vice-Chairperson Carl Nykanen, Secretary/Treasurer Leroy Kangas and Executive Director Kerri Duff. Board meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of the month except in February and November. Serving Gogebic and Ontonagon Counties at 20 various sites throughout the two-county area with funding from the following sources: Michigan Department of Education, Energy, State Community Assistance, Department of Human Services, Office of Services to the Aging, Michigan State Housing Development Authority, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture Gogebic & Ontonagon Counties Millage and United Way. 2009 GOCAA received American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds.

Gogebic-Ontonagon Community Action Agency
Listed in Organizations