Ironwood Area Historical Society

150 N. Lowell St
Ironwood, MI 49938

Ironwood’s historic places carry special meaning to lifelong residents, while providing a vivid window into past ways of life for the visitor new to our area.  Rich in economic, social, and ethnic history, Ironwood has a proud past that dates back to the boom-town days of the late 19th century.  Through its collections, archival research, and community outreach, the Society works to preserve and pass on to future generations the Ironwood story.  Headquartered in the Historic Ironwood Depot, the Society offers a variety of exhibits that focus on Ironwood’s past social, economic, and artistic past.  Additionally, large picture displays with accompanying narratives are located on the second floor of Ironwood’s downtown Memorial Building, where Ironwood’s story is portrayed back to the days of the very first interactions between native peoples and those from Europe.

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