The Norrie Amateur Sports Club began during he depths of the Great Depression in 1932 when a neighborhood baseball team started soliciting area businesses for donations toward uniforms. A business owner named Lundin said he would donate five dollars (a lot of money in 1932) if the team were chartered as a club. The club organized on November 1st, 1932 with 15 members present. The first club house was a chicken coop that members cleaned out and painted. During the first meeting, a motion was made to purchase 15 cents worth of kerosene for the lamps so they could see in the club house at night. With the club started, dances were held at the Ironwood Memorial Building to raise more money. Then, in 1933, members built a softball field. Three years later (1936) members built a new club house out of field stone. That same year the club was incorporated. In 1946, the field we now know as Rnada Field was completed as a gift to the soldier members when they returned home from their service to our country. This field still hosts softball leagues and tournaments. Today, in 2019, the Norrie Club features an active social and community outreach. The profile picture shows our “Light Up The Night” event which takes place on the last Saturday of January, and marks the closure of the Jack Frost Winter Festival. Like us on Facebook! Stop by the club for some great refreshment and conversations.

Norrie Amateur Sports Club
Listed in Organizations