Methodism took root in the mining town of Ironwood in 1886 with the founding of the Swedish Methodist Church. English and Finnish Methodist Churches followed. In 1951, the Finnish and the English (the original First Methodist Church) merged, and became Wesley Methodist. The present stone church building was constructed in 1912 and has room for approximately 350 parishioners. At the merger, the chancel area was completely remodeled and a new pipe organ installed by the M.P. Moller Company of Hagerstown, MD in 1951. Moller #8259 (3 keyboards, 23 ranks) has remained unaltered–a rarity as so many pipe organs built in the 1950’s are long gone or changed beyond recognition. Under the leadership of Pastor Keith Mullikin, Wesley has continued its mission of welcoming people into the Christian faith with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. Sunday service is at 10:00. Like us on Facebook, where our Sunday services are live streamed.

Wesley United Methodist Church
Listed in Churches