Truly eventful!

Summer–that brief period of U.P sun/warmth euphoria–has arrived at last!  This is the 3 month period (July, August, September) when the entire Gogebic Range explodes in events and activities:  there is just SO MUCH GOING ON!  You can find out where your next summer fun event is by going to our Gogebic/Iron County all-event website calendar FeLiveLive:   Events are listed by month/day/hour and clickable links take you to the event organizers so you can have direct connections to gain even more event information.  Are you hosting an event???   Facebook is fine to post an event notice, but a) not everyone is on Facebook, and b) not everyone might be friends with your Facebook  group to whom you share the event (especially travelers and out-of-the-area folks). That is why FeLiveLife is THE WEBSITE  for you to learn about events as well as to post the event you are organizing   

We at the Ironwood Chamber are always checking a wide variety of FB feeds and groups to capture events and then create a calendar post ourselves, but it is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAT FOLKS POST THEIR OWN EVENTS, as this creates familiarity with the website and leads to more postings and connections.  While FeLiveLife has been around for over 10 years, our recent website improvements and the talented efforts of Kris, our dedicated marketing administrator, has enabled this site to grow in use and two-county area importance.  Let’s keep the calendar expanding, from Lake Gogebic, Ironwood, and Watersmeet to Hurley, Saxon, and Mercer–post your events on FeLiveLife!  You can also like & follow the  FeLiveLife Facebook page too!